sui generis

美 [ˌsuːi ˈdʒenərɪs]英 [ˌsuːi ˈdʒenərɪs]
  • adj.独特的;特有的
sui generissui generis


from Latin formal独特的;特有的
different from all other people or things


sui generis


  • 1
    ADJ 独特的;特有的
    If you describe a person or thing as sui generis, you mean that there is no-one else or nothing else of the same kind and so you cannot make judgments about them based on other things.

    Japanese politics are sui generis.



constituting a class of its own;unique
a history book sui generis
sui generis works like Mary Chestnut's Civil War diary


  1. Japanese politics are sui generis .


  2. The New Development of Sui Generis Right Protection : The Cases , the Problems and the Policies


  3. The Conception of Database Sui Generis Right Protection in China in Cyber Era


  4. Thus , this study suggests that the ICH should be protected by sui generis system .


  5. Some of the changes of the past 20 years have been structural , sui generis , and therefore probably permanent .


  6. However , teaching Chinese as a foreign language is sui generis which has essential difference with the Chinese teaching of primary and secondary schools .


  7. The FBI says that the San Bernardino case is sui generis .


  8. A history book sui generis ; sui generis works like Mary Chestnut 's Civil War diary .


  9. And some countries , like Panama and Philippine , have established sui generis protection system for the ICH .


  10. Although both are related to different IP domains , folklore and traditional knowledge can be discussed together when designing the sui generis system .


  11. Now widely accepted theory is sui generis relation theory , which recognizes director-corporation relation as a special fiduciary relationship .


  12. In some respects , Greece is sui generis .


  13. However , Members shall provide for the protection of plant varieties either by patents or by an effective sui generis system or by any combination thereof .


  14. In the history of common law , the relationship between directors and corporation experienced three stage : trust relation theory , agency relation theory and sui generis relation theory .


  15. There are still positive elements for the protection of traditional knowledge , requirement of prior disclosure , new traditional knowledge , communal patent , geographical identification and sui generis system .


  16. The delegation reiterated the support for further work towards the development of international sui generis models or other non-binding options for the legal protection of tk .


  17. With regard to the legislative model , China should establish a sui generis system comprised of the Law on the Protection of Folklore and the Law on the Protection of Traditional Knowledge .


  18. However , the sui generis system belongs to the general IP systems and it is difficult to draw a firm distinction between the sui generis system and the existing laws .


  19. To ensure this and also to adhere to the view that the logical space of reasons is sui generis , McDowell proposes the concept of the " Second Nature " .


  20. The thing to keep in mind in understanding OOP sui generis is that OOP is not really a matter of inheritance specifically , but of dispatch decisions more generally .


  21. Ancient Chinese art song is the essence of vocal music , which combines the Chinese literature and music , etc , in concert with the subject on its own characteristics , sui generis .


  22. This article mainly discusses the current legal methods , including copyright law , anti-unfair competition law , contract law and sui generis right protection , then analyzes the present situation in china and puts forward some suggestions .


  23. This article proposes that before finalization of the sui generis regime , developing countries can satisfy their desperate need for protection by adopting the principle of PIC in the well-developed international patent system .


  24. Bessey thought that the seed scale of conifers is the combined outgrowths of an ovule from its chalazal end , which is a sui generis structure thereafter .


  25. Since the Convention of Biological Diversity accepted the principle of prior informed consent ( PIC ) in 1992 , international society has striven to establish an effective international sui generis regime for protecting biological / genetic materials .


  26. While the social products of human externalization have a character sui generis as against both their organismic and their environment context , it is important to stress that externalization as such is an anthropological necessity .


  27. Etymologically speaking , a fairy is something quite particular , related in kind to the na-iads , or water nymphs , and while of the genus , we are sui generis .


  28. Therefore , he insists the following two positions : empirical thinking must be about the idea of a natural thing , and the empirical experience thinking must make a response to experience ; the logical space of reasons has sui generis characteristics .


  29. The IP protection of the ICH is involved in different parties interested . So there is a need to follow principal of balance and limit the sui generis rights , in order to achieve an equitable balance between the subject of right and the public .


  30. As far as the relationship between the former two is concerned , law scholars and practitioners have three theories : special status , quasi contract and contract which consists of agency contract , services contract , arbitrator 's contract or contract of institute and contract of sui generis .
